About Kinsmen

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Who are the Kinsmen?

The Kinsmen is a Canadian Non-profit Service Organization that promotes Service, Fellowship, Positive Values, and National Pride.
We are comprised of Local Clubs, District Clubs and a National Foundation.

The Association boasts a proud 100-year history dedicated to fostering life-long friendships while 'Serving the Community's Greatest Need.'

The Kinsmen Club of Calgary has enjoyed a long and eventful history as one of the first clubs in the Kinsmen association.
Our club was established in 1924, and only a year later we became involved with the Calgary Stampede by running the food concessions.
Our largest fundraising event is the Kinsmen Wheels Lottery at the Calgary Stampede. The sale of lottery tickets requires thousands of volunteer hours from members of our club, other Kin clubs and community groups.


Calgary Kinsmen provide service by raising money for the most needed projects within the community. In addition to providing financial support, we also volunteer our time to help out community projects directly.
The following is a list of organizations and fundraisers we have participated in and continue to support.

Organizations, Community Projects & Facilities



Without fellowship the Kinsmen would not exist. Fellowship is the binding force that has resulted in over 80 years of service to the Calgary community. The bond formed between Kinsmen while working casinos, selling raffle tickets, or participating in a work party cannot be over stated.
These friendships are further enhanced through the numerous BBQ's, fellowship nights, golf outings, family events, and many other formal and informal outings.