Great Strides Walk 2015

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Please consider joining Matt Mahon at Calgary’s Great Strides Walk on May 31st at North Glenmore Park. It would be great to have you join Team Kin and fundraise. If you can’t make it  - Donate!

We did it together again Calgary.... Team Kin generated $16,865  in 2015 going towards Cystic fibrosis (CF).  Well done! Well done!

Newborn screening is now common leading to early intervention for many CF patients today. But it wasn’t always like that. It takes donations and fundraising from people like you to continue research and initiatives in the care of CF patients. 


Having just learned her son had cystic fibrosis, a concerned mother spent hours on the phone fundraising for the CF cause. Wondering what was taking up his mother’s time, and unable to pronounce “cystic fibrosis”, four year old Ricky asked, “Mommy, why are you working for sixty-five roses?” Through the innocence of a child “cystic fibrosis” became “sixty-five roses”. Ever since this true story came to light, the rose has been a symbol of hope for those engaged in the fight against cystic fibrosis.

I don’t buy flowers very often but even I know $20 for sixty-five roses is great deal. Please donate today.


You can donate or join Team Kin through the link   


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