Roughnecks Lacrosse supporting Kin Canada! - 2020

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Come out and join us in celebration of 100 Years of Kin Canada - Kinsmen / Kinettes / Kin Clubs
ALL are welcome to enjoy the game - Friends, Relatives, Family Members, People who just want to come.

February 29, 2020 - 7:30pm

Secure your Tickets now  (<= Click this link)

Discounted tickets - In grouped areas. Lets Fill the Dome (Hundreds of tickets available).
$32 - Lower Bowl and $28 Second Level.

Come support and celebrate 100 years of Kin Canada while experiencing Roughnecks lacrosse!

A small portion of your discounted ticket price goes to helping the Kinsmen / Kinettes / Kin Clubs of your choice.
Calgary Clubs are listed. ALL Alberta Clubs are available.

Which Kin Canada Club will you be supporting?

Half Time presentation by the Kin Cubs is a possibility.


For further information, please email:

Ticketing: POWERED BY 

Special Thanks to  for supporting Kinsmen / Kinettes / Kin Clubs in Your local area.