TaKin' Your Food to the Bank - 2019
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Thanks you to all Calgarians who help bring a little more to some of thoses less fortunate than ourselves.
The Kinsmen Club of Calgary is holding its annual event in support of the Calgary Food Bank.
On Saturday February 23, 2019 the club, along with the Calgary Interfaith Food Bank, is collecting non-perishable food items and cash donations at Canada Safeway’s Shawnessy and Crowfoot stores.
Please HELP us with your donations for the Calgary Food Bank. The need is Great.
Event Date: Saturday February 23, 2019 - 10:00am - 3:00pm
Thank you Calgary for your contributions in 2016.
There were 2,935 Pounds of food collected Plus cash contributions of $1,526.
This 5 hour event collected the equivalent of $7,395.