Wheels 2018

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Thank you for joining us in making the Wheels Project at the Calgary Stampede 2018 the Best Ever.

Beat the Booth Winners

Many Thanks to our MANY Volunteers.   The draw Winners Are:

Calgary Stampede Lotteries Prize
The Grand Prize - WestJet trip for 2 anywhere WestJet flies is:



Kinsmen - Beat the Booth - Daily Draw

  • Prize 1 - Visa Card - Value of $50.00
  • Prize 2 - Veho 360 Z-1 Earbuds - with noise isolating technology
Date Visa Card Winner Earbuds Winner
Sneek-a-Peek N/A  Rita Karmakar
Fri. July 06  Jason Kennard  John Kelly
Sat. July 07  Shane Harrison  Brenda Cohen
Sun. July 08  Ross Harper Kit Rainsforth
Norma Mitchell
Mon. July 09 Beverly Vallieres  Ron Kessler
Tues. July 10  Helen Sarcon  Marion Wilson
Wed. July 11  Stuart Kidd  Chantel Wellman
Thurs. July 12  Cheryl Bryk  Jayne Clarke
Fri. July 13  Kevin Cunningham  Ritchie Wilson
Sat. July 14 Sue-Ellen Sinapius  Michael McLeod
Sun July 15  Carrie Nermo  Wendy Henkelman

This is a random draw from the list of folks who exceeded the Sales Targets for the individual Booths on that day.

Winners can email beat_the_booth@kinsmenclubofcalgary.com


Please use this link to discover Wheels Project links such as Park Maps, etc.