Who We Support

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On a national level, the Kinsmen and Kinettes of Canada have led the fight against Cystic Fibrosis, a disease that affects the lives of thousands of Canadian children and adults.
At a local level, the Kinsmen Club of Calgary donates manpower and money that it raises to great causes to help less fortunate children, adults and families.
The Kinsmen Club members feel that action, dedication and innovation are the keys to the success of the Kinsmen Club of Calgary, and a dedicated group of Kin have always comprised the club's membership to supply the spark to turn the key.
Please take a moment to see just some of the things that your generosity and the hard work and dedication of the Kinsmen has resulted in.
Organizations, Community Projects & Facilities




Kinsmen Club of Calgary Scholarship

This scholarship is administered through the Calgary Foundation and can be accessed through the link for Undergraduate Students at


Kin Canada Bursaries

a program of the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund (HREF), award deserving students with a $1,000 bursary for their school year. Successful applicants are chosen based on their community and school involvement, knowledge of Kin Canada and financial need.
Each year, applications are posted early fall and are due February 1 to the club closest to the student applying. Clubs submit one application to the Board of Trustees and those selected are notified by June 30.
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