BBQ and Blues 2020

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Saturday, May 30th, 2020 - 6:00pm to Sunday, May 31th, 2020 - 1:00am

The Kinsmen Club of Calgary's 10th annual BBQ and Blues Fundraiser

Decision due to COVID-19

Look to Sept / Oct for this event. 

Thanks for your support.

ALL advanced ticket sales will be refunded.

Tickets Sold Only until Wed. May 27, 2020

Doors open at 6 show at 9.

There is ample parking right across from the Kerby Centre and the CTrain is right at the front door.

All seats are reserved for you. 

If you want to sit together with your friends please e-mail Wendell Tenove with your request to

Hosted by the Kinsmen Club of Calgary, in support of local charities.

Door prizes, 50/50 draw and a silent auction.

+18 yrs
Event is for members and invited guests only. Tickets will not be sold at the door.


About ticket pricing:
We continue to encounter increasing cost to hold events.
As many ticketing companies do, we are passing on the processing costs.
We hope to enjoy your continued understanding and support for this fundraiser.

Ticketing is provided through our ticketing processor -
Direct access to the event on the ticketing processor can be found at:

Event is for members and invited guests only. Tickets will not be sold at the door 

 Click to enlarge.


For 9 years now the Kinsmen Club of Calgary has been hosting this event with an overwelming success!

To date we have raised over $95,000.00 for charitable organizations that we support.

We are going to be at the Kerby Centre's main gymnasium.

We want to fill the place to help support charities in your community.

Let's help fill the hall of 200. Tickets are available now.

If you have silent auction items to donate or would like to sponsor this great event. Please contact myself Wendell Tenove at

Returning this year is the band- Dr Zeuss and Blue Whos. 



For additional Information:

Transportation Options - Safe and affordable

  Calgary Transit