Other News & Stories

In Memory of our Fellow Kinsmen

Service to be held February 25th at 1PM
Kensinton Legion 1910 Kensington Rd NW
Use the West Entrance

Calgary Canucks 40th Anniversary Wall of Fame Game.

World Chuckwagon races between periods with Jason Glass, Jim Nevada, Mark Sutherland, Grant Profit & more. Also chance to win 2012 GMC Sierra SLT 1500 crew cab- White Diamond Edition.

Kinsmen's - Hoss Logo on all chuckwagon tarps, lots of room bring your friends.

for additional info, Please take a look at http://www.calgarycanucks.com/


Lighten up Calgary - Christmas Lights


             2011 Winners Are....

The Christmas season is now over. The lights are all down after a long day’s work. Now it is time to announce the winners of the Lighten up Calgary Contest.

There were some really great display’s to choose from, it made every judges job difficult to decide who should be awarded the with the best display.

We had two categories, one being static displays and the second being animated. Starting with the static category, the display called Jersey was first place. The judges really like their use of clean lines. In second place was the Osmand display, while in third place was the display of Nateman.

The Judges had a tough time with the animated category with six contestants to choose from all doing a wonderful job. After reviewing the six entries video’s we narrowed it down to the top three. The third place display in the animated category goes to the display of Christmas can can, the judges like the use of humor and the timing to the music was done really well. The second place display was the Bain family lights, the singing snowman and the light columns were a nice touch. Taking the first place was the display of The Spirit of Erinwoods, This display had 40,000 lights and one of the largest light fans that the judges had ever seen. If you misses seeing the displays click on over to www.lightenupcalgary.com and have a look at all the displays in the entries tab.To view the first place winner click the you tube link below and see it for yourself.


We would like to thank all of the participants for taking the time to sign up for the contest and hope that everyone returns next year, with need I say bigger displays.


Kinsmen support Hitmen Teddy Bear Toss

Go Hitmen Go!

The Kinsmen Club of Calgary (KCC) have again lent their support to the Hitmen's concept of the Teddy Bear Toss game.

This is the 3rd year in a row where the KCC have purchased both tickets and Teddy Bears in support of this family friendly event.

This year, the KCC have purchased 50 tickets (and bears) and are enjoying the event with our friends of L'Arche Calgary with another 20 tickets.

Go Hitmen Go!

Remembrance Day - Crosses on Memorial Drive - Calgary

Kinsmen Club of Calgary help the CAV (Canadian Army Venteran) and other veterans put up the crosses on a spot along Memorial Drive in Calgary.
There are about 2,700 crosses representing all of southern Alberta.
Play video

On Safari with the Calgary Zoo-Video

This lottery was conducted in 2011. However we did not have enough participation to complete the awarding of the Prize and subsequntly had to refund all monies to ticketholders.
We would like to Thank all supporters Including:
Lottery ticket purchasers.
The Calgary Zoo for their invaluable help in making this happen.
And of course the families of the Kinsmen Club of Calgary Members.
If you would still like to view this pretty cool promotional video, Please click on the link below.

Portraits of Honour


Stephen Avenue Mall (8th Ave.)

Monday September 19, 2011

11:00am - 2:30pm

Ceremony: 12:00pm

Portraits of Honour - Military families & Public Viewing

The Military Museums

Monday September 19, 2011

5:00pm - 8:00pm


Tuesday September 20, 2011

Closed Viewing

5:00 pm - 6:30pm

Portraits of Honour Calgary Gala

Heritage Park - Gasoline Alley

5:30pm - Reception

7:00pm - Dinner

8:15pm - Guest Speaker - Gen. Rick Hillier (RET)

Portraits of Honour is a Kin Canada National Project honouring those who have fallen in combat during the war in Afghanistan. From its inception in February 2009, until its planned conclusion in Fall 2011, the project will touch Canadians from coast to coast and through to the scheduled withdrawal of Canadian combat forces from Afghanistan.

Click to go to the Protrait of Honour website


Tickets for this exclusive Gala event at Heritage Park - Gasoline Alley are available individually or through Sponsorship.

To order or inquire about tickets, please email:

- OR -

Order Online:



Sorry, as of 2011.09.14 Ticket sales for the Gala event are closed.


Any and all donations continue to be accepted, though Sponsorship.

All Gave Some, Some Gave All

What are you willing to give?


















Spring into Summer - CF Fundraiser

Spring into Summer is a CF Fundraiser hosted by the Kinsmen Club of Calgary.
Event Date: June 18, 2011 - 6:00pm
Location: Acadia Recreation Centre, Calgary

Click here to get more detailed information and Poster

Cystic Fibrosis - Cheque Presentation video

Camp Enviros work project 2010
